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Hi!!!! My name is Mocha.
All about Mocha

Hi all. My mommy will tell you all about me on this page. She will add pictures too.

First I will tell you a bit about my ferret loving history.

We had a ferret given to us for an odd reason. A friend of ours went out for their anniversary and left the 2 kids at home with a baby sitter. The house caught on fire. The baby sitter didn't know what to do. She got the ferret out of the burning house. Our friends 2 kids perished in the fire. They loved D.J. the ferret, but didn't have the same love for him after losing their only 2 kids. So.... he asked if we would take D.J. into our family to love. I was the one that didn't think I wanted him to live with us. I was wrong. He stole my heart in weeks. I was the primary care giver for him. He was a geriatric ferret when we got him. His previous owners didn't know the proper care for a ferret and neither did I. He loved cat food, cheerios, skittles, M&M's and bananas. All the stuff that ferrets should not have. I learned my lesson slowly. He died at the vets office due to an insulinoma attack. We only had him 2 1/2 hrs. I was very sad.

I got Mischief a few months later. I called him my fuzzy little gigalo. I also bought a few ferrets books and started to study. I still didn't know all that was needed. My only downfall was giving him cheerios. He then didn't want to eat normal food. Mischief had insulinoma, lymphoma and adrenal gland disease. He had a lupron injection in December of 2001. He was weak and wanted to be hand fed, but he started to grow hair back. I had to have my beloved ferret Mischief (R.I.P.) put to sleep due to many illnesses on 8/23/2001.For the last 7 months of his life I was hand feeding him around the clock to keep him alive... Well. I knew I would miss him very much. I finally realized that he was eating and living because he knew how much I would hurt without him. The vet said there was no hope of a recovery since he was terminal. So, we did the humane thing and helped him to cross to the rainbow bridge. I know he is plaing and dooking up a storm with all his ferret buddies and pets I have lost in the past.

I was so sad. I cleaned up the ferret toys, condo and other accessories. I kept it all in my living room and refused to put anything away. I sobbed in my sleep for quite a few nights. I decided that I needed a ferret to love. I started my search. Petco and I didn't see eye to eye on ferret care. I looked, but left in tears and wrote to the main office to complain. I then called a local pet store in our area. They said they had 1 male left. I went down to look at him. I knew he was coming home with me even before I left home. I brought the cat carrier with me and a nice blanket. I picked up my little guy on 9/11/01 @ 9 am. Yep, same time as the world trade disaster. I call him Mocha and he is my little miracle guy. He is a love. Below I will describe him to you all.

Mocha has white underhair and his tips are blackish brown. Kind of the color of Mocha. He has a white panda neck and white paws. The cutest little face you ever did see. I will make sure and include lots of pictures. He is a real sweetie. Loves to be cuddled by mommy. I have a very large clear ball that I can put him into when I am cleaning the house. He follows me around. Our daughter says that Mocha is certainly a momma boy. He will come to me first. He is a real cutie. Very loving little critter. (L) ~Hope

Additional info added on 4/24/02. Mocha is petrified of thunderstorms and earth quakes. Phew, he certainly is a momma's boy. His colors are changing with the spring shedding season. His white bib now has a bit of a yellow tint. He doesn't look so much like a baby anymore. His undercoating is pure white, white the top hairs are almost black. Still the bib and the white paws. He is my baby. Jennileigh still insists on calling him "Lil Dude". LOL.. I hate it when she says that. I make sure he knows his name his Mocha. He looks forward daily to his morning duck soup. I will include the recipe that is most sucessful in the coming days to the site. take care. (L) Hope

Happily Mocha had his first birthday on June 30, 2002. He got treets, toys and a new base ball hat. He played and dooked very hard on his special day. (L) Hope


On 9/11/02 @ 9 A.M. was the 1 year anniversary for me adopting Mocha. We played together most of the day. He is a real blessing to me. The ferrets in the animated gif above are of my Mocha in a few poses. (L) Hope

A Simple Soup
1/4 cup of ferret food. (I use a mix of: totally ferret food, superior choice (tfs), eukabana high calorie cat food & marhsall
1 cup of boiling water
method 1
grind the food up in a blender with all the boiling water
put in a plastic covered container, and put in fridge, serve warm
method 2 (the easiest)
grind the food up in a coffee grinder
dump in plastic container, mix with 1 cup of boiling water, stir, cover and put in fridge. serve warm